Be Young Now

The Young Tigers collection comprises 10,000 NFTs, each a unique digital treasure living on the Polygon blockchain. Your Young Tiger is the entry ticket to our exclusive club, giving you access to attractive perks. After the initial drop, the future roadmap will become available for our members.

These young tigers interact with people and emulate us uniquely as they learn more about our environment.

These NFTs tigers inhabit in Polygon blockchain. Due to its switch to Proof of Stake, which is environmentally beneficial and helps to protect the environment, we have picked Ethereum. There are 10,000 NFTs worldwide; we will release them at 9:00 UTC on October 4th, the first drop.

"50 young tigers are being withheld from the sale. These will be for giveaways and the creators."

Fair Distributions and Donations

Your purchase of a young tiger NFT will help JDC Welfare to donate a portion of the proceeds to flood victims in Pakistan and aid in preserving the tiger species and their ecosystem. You can get your young tiger for just 0.08 Eth (about $100)!

The Specs

Programmatically created, the tigers are each unique, with over 111 different possible traits, expressions, headgear, and attire. Some tigers are rarer than others, and all of them are magnificent. The Tigers are on the polygon blockchain as ERC-20 tokens in IPFS storage.

Road Map

  • 10% - We thank ourselves and appreciate our efforts!
  • 30% - First 30 buyers get a buy one get one free offer.
  • 50% - Competition held between holders for the best ideas to conserve the environment. 10 winners chosen at random, to receive a free NFT each.
  • 80% - We released 5 tigers into new habitats from random owners to conserve the ecosystem as they are top predators.
  • 100% - Donate part of the profits to flood relief funds helping the affected ones.


Unique and rare


The Intention to create YTC was to make incredibly cool cubs, dive into the NFT world, and help the community by building something amazing.

Art Lead

Striped Kitty

Still learning to hunt. Adores victory.


Pawfect Roar

Tai Lung can't face this son of a gun.

Community Manager

Santa Claws

Has a thing for cold-blooded surprises.

copyright 2022 All rights reserved Young Tiger Club